Line data Source code
1 : /** 2 : Copyright (c) 2024 Stappler LLC <> 3 : 4 : Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy 5 : of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal 6 : in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights 7 : to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell 8 : copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is 9 : furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: 10 : 11 : The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in 12 : all copies or substantial portions of the Software. 13 : 14 : THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR 15 : IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, 16 : FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE 17 : AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER 18 : LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, 19 : OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN 20 : THE SOFTWARE. 21 : **/ 22 : 23 : #include "SPPugToken.h" 24 : #include "SPPugExpression.h" 25 : 26 : namespace STAPPLER_VERSIONIZED stappler::pug { 27 : 28 79225 : Token::Token(Type t, const StringView &d) : type(t), data(d) { } 29 : 30 5850 : Token::Token(Type t, const StringView &d, Expression *e) 31 5850 : : type(t), data(d), expression(e) { } 32 : 33 84550 : void Token::addChild(Token *tok) { 34 84550 : if (!child) { 35 46625 : tail = child = tok; 36 : } else { 37 37925 : tail->next = tok; 38 37925 : tok->prev = tail; 39 37925 : tail = tok; 40 : } 41 84550 : } 42 : 43 : /// Forward declaration 44 : static void stl_print_token(const Lexer::OutStream &stream, const Token * t, uint16_t depth); 45 : static void stl_print_token_tree(const Lexer::OutStream &stream, const Token * t, uint16_t depth); 46 : 47 : /// Print contents of the token based on specified string 48 15725 : static void stl_print_token(const Lexer::OutStream &stream, const Token * t, uint16_t depth) { 49 15725 : if (t) { 50 80175 : for (int i = 0; i < depth; ++i) { 51 64450 : stream << " "; 52 : } 53 : 54 15725 : stream << "* " << toInt(t->type) << " "; 55 15725 : switch (t->type) { 56 75 : case Token::Root: stream << "<root>"; break; 57 3100 : case Token::Line: stream << "<line>"; break; 58 : 59 1650 : case Token::LineData: stream << "<line-data>"; break; 60 550 : case Token::LinePiped: stream << "<line-piped>"; break; 61 225 : case Token::LinePlainText: stream << "<line-plain-text>"; break; 62 125 : case Token::LineComment: stream << "<line-comment>"; break; 63 25 : case Token::LineDot: stream << "<line-dot>"; break; 64 50 : case Token::LineOut: stream << "<line-out>"; break; 65 400 : case Token::LineCode: stream << "<line-code>"; break; 66 25 : case Token::LineCodeBlock: stream << "<line-code-block>"; break; 67 : 68 1725 : case Token::PlainText: stream << "<plain-text>"; break; 69 425 : case Token::Code: stream << "<code>"; break; 70 475 : case Token::OutputEscaped: stream << "<out-escaped>"; break; 71 75 : case Token::OutputUnescaped: stream << "<out-unescaped>"; break; 72 : 73 75 : case Token::CommentTemplate: stream << "<comment-template>"; break; 74 50 : case Token::CommentHtml: stream << "<comment-html>"; break; 75 1650 : case Token::Tag: stream << "<tag>"; break; 76 : 77 325 : case Token::TagClassNote: stream << "<tag-class-note>"; break; 78 125 : case Token::TagIdNote: stream << "<tag-id-note>"; break; 79 500 : case Token::TagAttrList: stream << "<tag-attr-list>"; break; 80 50 : case Token::TagAttrExpr: stream << "<tag-attr-expr>"; break; 81 25 : case Token::TagTrailingSlash: stream << "<tag-trailing-slash>"; break; 82 50 : case Token::TagTrailingDot: stream << "<tag-trailing-dot>"; break; 83 325 : case Token::TagTrailingEq: stream << "<tag-trailing-eq>"; break; 84 25 : case Token::TagTrailingNEq: stream << "<tag-trailing-neq>"; break; 85 : 86 700 : case Token::AttrPairEscaped: stream << "<attr-pair-escaped>"; break; 87 50 : case Token::AttrPairUnescaped: stream << "<attr-pair-unescaped>"; break; 88 750 : case Token::AttrName: stream << "<attr-name>"; break; 89 700 : case Token::AttrValue: stream << "<attr-value>"; break; 90 : 91 50 : case Token::ControlCase: stream << "<control-case>"; break; 92 125 : case Token::ControlWhen: stream << "<control-when>"; break; 93 50 : case Token::ControlDefault: stream << "<control-default>"; break; 94 : 95 25 : case Token::ControlIf: stream << "<control-if>"; break; 96 25 : case Token::ControlUnless: stream << "<control-unless>"; break; 97 25 : case Token::ControlElseIf: stream << "<control-else-if>"; break; 98 50 : case Token::ControlElse: stream << "<control-else>"; break; 99 75 : case Token::ControlEach: stream << "<control-each>"; break; 100 25 : case Token::ControlEachPair: stream << "<control-each-pair>"; break; 101 25 : case Token::ControlWhile: stream << "<control-while>"; break; 102 50 : case Token::ControlMixin: stream << "<control-mixin>"; break; 103 : 104 125 : case Token::ControlEachVariable: stream << "<control-each-variable>"; break; 105 : 106 550 : case Token::PipeMark: stream << "<pipe-mark>"; break; 107 75 : case Token::Include: stream << "<include>"; break; 108 25 : case Token::Doctype: stream << "<doctype>"; break; 109 50 : case Token::MixinCall: stream << "<mixin-call>"; break; 110 50 : case Token::MixinArgs: stream << "<mixin-args>"; break; 111 : } 112 : 113 15725 : if (t->expression) { 114 2200 : stream << " expression: '" << t->data << "'"; 115 : } else { 116 13525 : stream << " '" << t->data << "'"; 117 : } 118 15725 : stream << "\n"; 119 15725 : if (t->expression) { 120 2200 : t->expression->describe(stream, depth + 1); 121 : } 122 15725 : if (t->child) { 123 8725 : stl_print_token_tree(stream, t->child, depth + 1); 124 : } 125 : } 126 15725 : } 127 : 128 : /// Print contents of the token tree based on specified string 129 8725 : static void stl_print_token_tree(const Lexer::OutStream &stream, const Token * t, uint16_t depth) { 130 24375 : while (t != NULL) { 131 15650 : stl_print_token(stream, t, depth); 132 15650 : t = t->next; 133 : } 134 8725 : } 135 : 136 75 : void Token::describe(const OutStream &stream) const { 137 75 : stl_print_token(stream, this, 0); 138 75 : } 139 : 140 : }