LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - core/core/string - (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 297 334 88.9 %
Date: 2024-05-12 00:16:13 Functions: 43 46 93.5 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /**
       2             : Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Roman Katuntsev <>
       3             : Copyright (c) 2023 Stappler LLC <>
       4             : 
       5             : Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
       6             : of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
       7             : in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
       8             : to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
       9             : copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
      10             : furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
      11             : 
      12             : The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
      13             : all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
      14             : 
      21             : THE SOFTWARE.
      22             : **/
      23             : 
      24             : // Integer formatting based on
      25             : // See original license
      26             : // Only base function and table data used
      27             : 
      28             : // Double formatting from
      29             : // See original license
      30             : // Implemented buffer usage counter and support for different char types
      31             : 
      32             : #include "SPString.h"
      33             : #include "SPUnicode.h"
      34             : 
      35             : namespace STAPPLER_VERSIONIZED stappler::string {
      36             : 
      37             : // Copies two characters from src to dst.
      38             : template<typename Char>
      39     3025440 : constexpr void copy2(Char *dst, const Char *src) {
      40     3025440 :         memcpy(dst, src, 2 * sizeof(Char));
      41     3025440 : }
      42             : 
      43             : // Converts value in the range [0, 100) to a string.
      44             : template <typename Char>
      45     3025440 : constexpr auto digits2(size_t value) -> const Char * {
      46             :         if constexpr (sizeof(Char) == sizeof(char)) {
      47             :                 return &"0001020304050607080910111213141516171819"
      48             :                                 "2021222324252627282930313233343536373839"
      49             :                                 "4041424344454647484950515253545556575859"
      50             :                                 "6061626364656667686970717273747576777879"
      51     3024790 :                                 "8081828384858687888990919293949596979899"[value * 2];
      52             :         } else if constexpr (sizeof(Char) == sizeof(char16_t)) {
      53             :                 return &u"0001020304050607080910111213141516171819"
      54             :                                 u"2021222324252627282930313233343536373839"
      55             :                                 u"4041424344454647484950515253545556575859"
      56             :                                 u"6061626364656667686970717273747576777879"
      57         650 :                                 u"8081828384858687888990919293949596979899"[value * 2];
      58             :         } else if constexpr (sizeof(Char) == sizeof(char32_t)) {
      59             :                 return &U"0001020304050607080910111213141516171819"
      60             :                                 U"2021222324252627282930313233343536373839"
      61             :                                 U"4041424344454647484950515253545556575859"
      62             :                                 U"6061626364656667686970717273747576777879"
      63             :                                 U"8081828384858687888990919293949596979899"[value * 2];
      64             :         }
      65             :         return nullptr;
      66             : }
      67             : 
      68             : template <typename IntType, typename Char>
      69     1412269 : inline size_t unsigned_to_decimal(Char *out, IntType value, size_t size) {
      70     1412269 :         out += size;
      71     1412269 :         Char *end = out;
      72     3850244 :         while (value >= 100) {
      73     2437975 :                 out -= 2;
      74     2437975 :                 copy2(out, digits2<Char>(static_cast<size_t>(value % 100)));
      75     2437975 :                 value /= 100;
      76             :         }
      77     1412269 :         if (value < 10) {
      78      824804 :                 *--out = static_cast<Char>('0' + value);
      79      824804 :                 return end - out;
      80             :         }
      81      587465 :         out -= 2;
      82      587465 :         copy2(out, digits2<Char>(static_cast<size_t>(value)));
      83      587465 :         return end - out;
      84             : }
      85             : 
      86             : template <typename IntType>
      87     1457113 : inline size_t unsigned_to_decimal_len(IntType value) {
      88     1457113 :         size_t ret = 0;
      89     1686238 :         while (value >= 100) {
      90      229125 :                 ret += 2;
      91      229125 :                 value /= 100;
      92             :         }
      93     1457113 :         if (value < 10) {
      94     1373333 :                 return ret + 1;
      95             :         }
      96       83780 :         return ret + 2;
      97             : }
      98             : 
      99             : namespace dtoa {
     100             : 
     101             : #if (__GNUC__ > 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 6)) && defined(__x86_64__)
     102             : namespace gcc_ints {
     103             :     __extension__ typedef __int128 int128;
     104             :     __extension__ typedef unsigned __int128 uint128;
     105             : }
     106             : #endif
     107             : 
     108             : #define UINT64_C2(h, l) ((static_cast<uint64_t>(h) << 32) | static_cast<uint64_t>(l))
     109             : 
     110             : struct DiyFp {
     111    25818538 :         DiyFp() {}
     112             : 
     113   109731774 :         DiyFp(uint64_t f, int e) : f(f), e(e) {}
     114             : 
     115    12909269 :         DiyFp(double d) {
     116             :                 union {
     117             :                         double d;
     118             :                         uint64_t u64;
     119    12909269 :                 } u = { d };
     120             : 
     121    12909269 :                 int biased_e = (u.u64 & kDpExponentMask) >> kDpSignificandSize;
     122    12909269 :                 uint64_t significand = (u.u64 & kDpSignificandMask);
     123    12909269 :                 if (biased_e != 0) {
     124    12909269 :                         f = significand + kDpHiddenBit;
     125    12909269 :                         e = biased_e - kDpExponentBias;
     126             :                 }
     127             :                 else {
     128           0 :                         f = significand;
     129           0 :                         e = kDpMinExponent + 1;
     130             :                 }
     131    12909269 :         }
     132             : 
     133     6457622 :         DiyFp operator-(const DiyFp& rhs) const {
     134     6457622 :                 assert(e == rhs.e);
     135     6457622 :                 assert(f >= rhs.f);
     136     6457622 :                 return DiyFp(f - rhs.f, e);
     137             :         }
     138             : 
     139    38727807 :         DiyFp operator*(const DiyFp& rhs) const {
     140             : #if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_AMD64)
     141             :                 uint64_t h;
     142             :                 uint64_t l = _umul128(f, rhs.f, &h);
     143             :                 if (l & (uint64_t(1) << 63)) // rounding
     144             :                         h++;
     145             :                 return DiyFp(h, e + rhs.e + 64);
     146             : #elif (__GNUC__ > 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 6)) && defined(__x86_64__)
     147    38727807 :         gcc_ints::uint128 p = static_cast<gcc_ints::uint128>(f) * static_cast<gcc_ints::uint128>(rhs.f);
     148    38727807 :                 uint64_t h = p >> 64;
     149    38727807 :                 uint64_t l = static_cast<uint64_t>(p);
     150    38727807 :                 if (l & (uint64_t(1) << 63)) // rounding
     151     1307950 :                         h++;
     152    38727807 :                 return DiyFp(h, e + rhs.e + 64);
     153             : #else
     154             :                 const uint64_t M32 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
     155             :                 const uint64_t a = f >> 32;
     156             :                 const uint64_t b = f & M32;
     157             :                 const uint64_t c = rhs.f >> 32;
     158             :                 const uint64_t d = rhs.f & M32;
     159             :                 const uint64_t ac = a * c;
     160             :                 const uint64_t bc = b * c;
     161             :                 const uint64_t ad = a * d;
     162             :                 const uint64_t bd = b * d;
     163             :                 uint64_t tmp = (bd >> 32) + (ad & M32) + (bc & M32);
     164             :                 tmp += 1U << 31;  /// mult_round
     165             :                 return DiyFp(ac + (ad >> 32) + (bc >> 32) + (tmp >> 32), e + rhs.e + 64);
     166             : #endif
     167             :         }
     168             : 
     169    12909269 :         DiyFp Normalize() const {
     170             : #if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_AMD64)
     171             :                 unsigned long index;
     172             :                 _BitScanReverse64(&index, f);
     173             :                 return DiyFp(f << (63 - index), e - (63 - index));
     174             : #elif defined(__GNUC__)
     175    12909269 :                 int s = __builtin_clzll(f);
     176    12909269 :                 return DiyFp(f << s, e - s);
     177             : #else
     178             :                 DiyFp res = *this;
     179             :                 while (!(res.f & kDpHiddenBit)) {
     180             :                         res.f <<= 1;
     181             :                         res.e--;
     182             :                 }
     183             :                 res.f <<= (kDiySignificandSize - kDpSignificandSize - 1);
     184             :                 res.e = res.e - (kDiySignificandSize - kDpSignificandSize - 1);
     185             :                 return res;
     186             : #endif
     187             :         }
     188             : 
     189    12909269 :         DiyFp NormalizeBoundary() const {
     190             : #if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_AMD64)
     191             :                 unsigned long index;
     192             :                 _BitScanReverse64(&index, f);
     193             :                 return DiyFp (f << (63 - index), e - (63 - index));
     194             : #else
     195    12909269 :                 DiyFp res = *this;
     196    12909269 :                 while (!(res.f & (kDpHiddenBit << 1))) {
     197           0 :                         res.f <<= 1;
     198           0 :                         res.e--;
     199             :                 }
     200    12909269 :                 res.f <<= (kDiySignificandSize - kDpSignificandSize - 2);
     201    12909269 :                 res.e = res.e - (kDiySignificandSize - kDpSignificandSize - 2);
     202    12909269 :                 return res;
     203             : #endif
     204             :         }
     205             : 
     206    12909269 :         void NormalizedBoundaries(DiyFp* minus, DiyFp* plus) const {
     207    12909269 :                 DiyFp pl = DiyFp((f << 1) + 1, e - 1).NormalizeBoundary();
     208    12909269 :                 DiyFp mi = (f == kDpHiddenBit) ? DiyFp((f << 2) - 1, e - 2) : DiyFp((f << 1) - 1, e - 1);
     209    12909269 :                 mi.f <<= mi.e - pl.e;
     210    12909269 :                 mi.e = pl.e;
     211    12909269 :                 *plus = pl;
     212    12909269 :                 *minus = mi;
     213    12909269 :         }
     214             : 
     215             :         static const int kDiySignificandSize = 64;
     216             :         static const int kDpSignificandSize = 52;
     217             :         static const int kDpExponentBias = 0x3FF + kDpSignificandSize;
     218             :         static const int kDpMinExponent = -kDpExponentBias;
     219             :         static const uint64_t kDpExponentMask = UINT64_C2(0x7FF00000, 0x00000000);
     220             :         static const uint64_t kDpSignificandMask = UINT64_C2(0x000FFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF);
     221             :         static const uint64_t kDpHiddenBit = UINT64_C2(0x00100000, 0x00000000);
     222             : 
     223             :         uint64_t f;
     224             :         int e;
     225             : };
     226             : 
     227    12909269 : inline DiyFp GetCachedPower(int e, int* K) {
     228             :         // 10^-348, 10^-340, ..., 10^340
     229             :         static const uint64_t kCachedPowers_F[] = {
     230             :                 UINT64_C2(0xfa8fd5a0, 0x081c0288), UINT64_C2(0xbaaee17f, 0xa23ebf76),
     231             :                 UINT64_C2(0x8b16fb20, 0x3055ac76), UINT64_C2(0xcf42894a, 0x5dce35ea),
     232             :                 UINT64_C2(0x9a6bb0aa, 0x55653b2d), UINT64_C2(0xe61acf03, 0x3d1a45df),
     233             :                 UINT64_C2(0xab70fe17, 0xc79ac6ca), UINT64_C2(0xff77b1fc, 0xbebcdc4f),
     234             :                 UINT64_C2(0xbe5691ef, 0x416bd60c), UINT64_C2(0x8dd01fad, 0x907ffc3c),
     235             :                 UINT64_C2(0xd3515c28, 0x31559a83), UINT64_C2(0x9d71ac8f, 0xada6c9b5),
     236             :                 UINT64_C2(0xea9c2277, 0x23ee8bcb), UINT64_C2(0xaecc4991, 0x4078536d),
     237             :                 UINT64_C2(0x823c1279, 0x5db6ce57), UINT64_C2(0xc2109436, 0x4dfb5637),
     238             :                 UINT64_C2(0x9096ea6f, 0x3848984f), UINT64_C2(0xd77485cb, 0x25823ac7),
     239             :                 UINT64_C2(0xa086cfcd, 0x97bf97f4), UINT64_C2(0xef340a98, 0x172aace5),
     240             :                 UINT64_C2(0xb23867fb, 0x2a35b28e), UINT64_C2(0x84c8d4df, 0xd2c63f3b),
     241             :                 UINT64_C2(0xc5dd4427, 0x1ad3cdba), UINT64_C2(0x936b9fce, 0xbb25c996),
     242             :                 UINT64_C2(0xdbac6c24, 0x7d62a584), UINT64_C2(0xa3ab6658, 0x0d5fdaf6),
     243             :                 UINT64_C2(0xf3e2f893, 0xdec3f126), UINT64_C2(0xb5b5ada8, 0xaaff80b8),
     244             :                 UINT64_C2(0x87625f05, 0x6c7c4a8b), UINT64_C2(0xc9bcff60, 0x34c13053),
     245             :                 UINT64_C2(0x964e858c, 0x91ba2655), UINT64_C2(0xdff97724, 0x70297ebd),
     246             :                 UINT64_C2(0xa6dfbd9f, 0xb8e5b88f), UINT64_C2(0xf8a95fcf, 0x88747d94),
     247             :                 UINT64_C2(0xb9447093, 0x8fa89bcf), UINT64_C2(0x8a08f0f8, 0xbf0f156b),
     248             :                 UINT64_C2(0xcdb02555, 0x653131b6), UINT64_C2(0x993fe2c6, 0xd07b7fac),
     249             :                 UINT64_C2(0xe45c10c4, 0x2a2b3b06), UINT64_C2(0xaa242499, 0x697392d3),
     250             :                 UINT64_C2(0xfd87b5f2, 0x8300ca0e), UINT64_C2(0xbce50864, 0x92111aeb),
     251             :                 UINT64_C2(0x8cbccc09, 0x6f5088cc), UINT64_C2(0xd1b71758, 0xe219652c),
     252             :                 UINT64_C2(0x9c400000, 0x00000000), UINT64_C2(0xe8d4a510, 0x00000000),
     253             :                 UINT64_C2(0xad78ebc5, 0xac620000), UINT64_C2(0x813f3978, 0xf8940984),
     254             :                 UINT64_C2(0xc097ce7b, 0xc90715b3), UINT64_C2(0x8f7e32ce, 0x7bea5c70),
     255             :                 UINT64_C2(0xd5d238a4, 0xabe98068), UINT64_C2(0x9f4f2726, 0x179a2245),
     256             :                 UINT64_C2(0xed63a231, 0xd4c4fb27), UINT64_C2(0xb0de6538, 0x8cc8ada8),
     257             :                 UINT64_C2(0x83c7088e, 0x1aab65db), UINT64_C2(0xc45d1df9, 0x42711d9a),
     258             :                 UINT64_C2(0x924d692c, 0xa61be758), UINT64_C2(0xda01ee64, 0x1a708dea),
     259             :                 UINT64_C2(0xa26da399, 0x9aef774a), UINT64_C2(0xf209787b, 0xb47d6b85),
     260             :                 UINT64_C2(0xb454e4a1, 0x79dd1877), UINT64_C2(0x865b8692, 0x5b9bc5c2),
     261             :                 UINT64_C2(0xc83553c5, 0xc8965d3d), UINT64_C2(0x952ab45c, 0xfa97a0b3),
     262             :                 UINT64_C2(0xde469fbd, 0x99a05fe3), UINT64_C2(0xa59bc234, 0xdb398c25),
     263             :                 UINT64_C2(0xf6c69a72, 0xa3989f5c), UINT64_C2(0xb7dcbf53, 0x54e9bece),
     264             :                 UINT64_C2(0x88fcf317, 0xf22241e2), UINT64_C2(0xcc20ce9b, 0xd35c78a5),
     265             :                 UINT64_C2(0x98165af3, 0x7b2153df), UINT64_C2(0xe2a0b5dc, 0x971f303a),
     266             :                 UINT64_C2(0xa8d9d153, 0x5ce3b396), UINT64_C2(0xfb9b7cd9, 0xa4a7443c),
     267             :                 UINT64_C2(0xbb764c4c, 0xa7a44410), UINT64_C2(0x8bab8eef, 0xb6409c1a),
     268             :                 UINT64_C2(0xd01fef10, 0xa657842c), UINT64_C2(0x9b10a4e5, 0xe9913129),
     269             :                 UINT64_C2(0xe7109bfb, 0xa19c0c9d), UINT64_C2(0xac2820d9, 0x623bf429),
     270             :                 UINT64_C2(0x80444b5e, 0x7aa7cf85), UINT64_C2(0xbf21e440, 0x03acdd2d),
     271             :                 UINT64_C2(0x8e679c2f, 0x5e44ff8f), UINT64_C2(0xd433179d, 0x9c8cb841),
     272             :                 UINT64_C2(0x9e19db92, 0xb4e31ba9), UINT64_C2(0xeb96bf6e, 0xbadf77d9),
     273             :                 UINT64_C2(0xaf87023b, 0x9bf0ee6b)
     274             :         };
     275             :         static const int16_t kCachedPowers_E[] = {
     276             :                 -1220, -1193, -1166, -1140, -1113, -1087, -1060, -1034, -1007,  -980,
     277             :                  -954,  -927,  -901,  -874,  -847,  -821,  -794,  -768,  -741,  -715,
     278             :                  -688,  -661,  -635,  -608,  -582,  -555,  -529,  -502,  -475,  -449,
     279             :                  -422,  -396,  -369,  -343,  -316,  -289,  -263,  -236,  -210,  -183,
     280             :                  -157,  -130,  -103,   -77,   -50,   -24,     3,    30,    56,    83,
     281             :                   109,   136,   162,   189,   216,   242,   269,   295,   322,   348,
     282             :                   375,   402,   428,   455,   481,   508,   534,   561,   588,   614,
     283             :                   641,   667,   694,   720,   747,   774,   800,   827,   853,   880,
     284             :                   907,   933,   960,   986,  1013,  1039,  1066
     285             :         };
     286             : 
     287             :         //int k = static_cast<int>(ceil((-61 - e) * 0.30102999566398114)) + 374;
     288    12909269 :         double dk = (-61 - e) * 0.30102999566398114 + 347;      // dk must be positive, so can do ceiling in positive
     289    12909269 :         int k = static_cast<int>(dk);
     290    12909269 :         if (dk - k > 0.0)
     291    10513525 :                 k++;
     292             : 
     293    12909269 :         unsigned index = static_cast<unsigned>((k >> 3) + 1);
     294    12909269 :         *K = -(-348 + static_cast<int>(index << 3));        // decimal exponent no need lookup table
     295             : 
     296    12909269 :         assert(index < sizeof(kCachedPowers_F) / sizeof(kCachedPowers_F[0]));
     297    12909269 :         return DiyFp(kCachedPowers_F[index], kCachedPowers_E[index]);
     298             : }
     299             : 
     300             : template <typename Char>
     301     6457622 : inline void GrisuRound(Char* buffer, int len, uint64_t delta, uint64_t rest, uint64_t ten_kappa, uint64_t wp_w) {
     302     6457622 :         while (rest < wp_w && delta - rest >= ten_kappa &&
     303       61367 :                    (rest + ten_kappa < wp_w ||  /// closer
     304       61367 :                         wp_w - rest > rest + ten_kappa - wp_w)) {
     305           0 :                 buffer[len - 1]--;
     306           0 :                 rest += ten_kappa;
     307             :         }
     308     6457622 : }
     309             : 
     310    12909269 : inline unsigned CountDecimalDigit32(uint32_t n) {
     311             :         // Simple pure C++ implementation was faster than __builtin_clz version in this situation.
     312    12909269 :         if (n < 10) return 1;
     313    12909269 :         if (n < 100) return 2;
     314    12908394 :         if (n < 1000) return 3;
     315    12907383 :         if (n < 10000) return 4;
     316    12894892 :         if (n < 100000) return 5;
     317     8015261 :         if (n < 1000000) return 6;
     318       16794 :         if (n < 10000000) return 7;
     319          75 :         if (n < 100000000) return 8;
     320          50 :         if (n < 1000000000) return 9;
     321           0 :         return 10;
     322             : }
     323             : 
     324             : template <typename Char>
     325     6457622 : inline void DigitGen(const DiyFp& W, const DiyFp& Mp, uint64_t delta, Char* buffer, int* len, int* K) {
     326             :         static const uint32_t kPow10[] = { 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000, 100000000, 1000000000 };
     327     6457622 :         const DiyFp one(uint64_t(1) << -Mp.e, Mp.e);
     328     6457622 :         const DiyFp wp_w = Mp - W;
     329     6457622 :         uint32_t p1 = static_cast<uint32_t>(Mp.f >> -one.e);
     330     6457622 :         uint64_t p2 = Mp.f & (one.f - 1);
     331     6457622 :         int kappa = static_cast<int>(CountDecimalDigit32(p1));
     332     6457622 :         *len = 0;
     333             : 
     334    22860596 :         while (kappa > 0) {
     335             :                 uint32_t d;
     336    20420852 :                 switch (kappa) {
     337           0 :                         case 10: d = p1 / 1000000000; p1 %= 1000000000; break;
     338          50 :                         case  9: d = p1 /  100000000; p1 %=  100000000; break;
     339          50 :                         case  8: d = p1 /   10000000; p1 %=   10000000; break;
     340        8422 :                         case  7: d = p1 /    1000000; p1 %=    1000000; break;
     341     4009343 :                         case  6: d = p1 /     100000; p1 %=     100000; break;
     342     6136796 :                         case  5: d = p1 /      10000; p1 %=      10000; break;
     343     2876754 :                         case  4: d = p1 /       1000; p1 %=       1000; break;
     344     2509896 :                         case  3: d = p1 /        100; p1 %=        100; break;
     345     2439796 :                         case  2: d = p1 /         10; p1 %=         10; break;
     346     2439745 :                         case  1: d = p1;              p1 =           0; break;
     347           0 :                         default:
     348             : #if defined(_MSC_VER)
     349             :                                 __assume(0);
     350             : #elif __GNUC__ > 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 5)
     351           0 :                                 __builtin_unreachable();
     352             : #else
     353             :                                 d = 0;
     354             : #endif
     355             :                 }
     356    20420852 :                 if (d || *len)
     357    20420852 :                         buffer[(*len)++] = '0' + static_cast<char>(d);
     358    20420852 :                 kappa--;
     359    20420852 :                 uint64_t tmp = (static_cast<uint64_t>(p1) << -one.e) + p2;
     360    20420852 :                 if (tmp <= delta) {
     361     4017878 :                         *K += kappa;
     362     4017878 :                         GrisuRound(buffer, *len, delta, tmp, static_cast<uint64_t>(kPow10[kappa]) << -one.e, wp_w.f);
     363     4017878 :                         return;
     364             :                 }
     365             :         }
     366             : 
     367             :         // kappa = 0
     368    24037613 :         for (;;) {
     369    26477357 :                 p2 *= 10;
     370    26477357 :                 delta *= 10;
     371    26477357 :                 char d = static_cast<char>(p2 >> -one.e);
     372    26477357 :                 if (d || *len)
     373    26477357 :                         buffer[(*len)++] = '0' + d;
     374    26477357 :                 p2 &= one.f - 1;
     375    26477357 :                 kappa--;
     376    26477357 :                 if (p2 < delta) {
     377     2439744 :                         *K += kappa;
     378     2439744 :                         GrisuRound(buffer, *len, delta, p2, one.f, wp_w.f * kPow10[-kappa]);
     379     2439744 :                         return;
     380             :                 }
     381             :         }
     382             : }
     383             : 
     384     6451647 : inline void DigitGen_len(const DiyFp& W, const DiyFp& Mp, uint64_t delta, int* len, int* K) {
     385     6451647 :         const DiyFp one(uint64_t(1) << -Mp.e, Mp.e);
     386     6451647 :         uint32_t p1 = static_cast<uint32_t>(Mp.f >> -one.e);
     387     6451647 :         uint64_t p2 = Mp.f & (one.f - 1);
     388     6451647 :         int kappa = static_cast<int>(CountDecimalDigit32(p1));
     389     6451647 :         *len = 0;
     390             : 
     391    22843746 :         while (kappa > 0) {
     392             :                 uint32_t d;
     393    20404152 :                 switch (kappa) {
     394           0 :                         case 10: d = p1 / 1000000000; p1 %= 1000000000; break;
     395           0 :                         case  9: d = p1 /  100000000; p1 %=  100000000; break;
     396           0 :                         case  8: d = p1 /   10000000; p1 %=   10000000; break;
     397        8347 :                         case  7: d = p1 /    1000000; p1 %=    1000000; break;
     398     4004993 :                         case  6: d = p1 /     100000; p1 %=     100000; break;
     399     6130971 :                         case  5: d = p1 /      10000; p1 %=      10000; break;
     400     2870929 :                         case  4: d = p1 /       1000; p1 %=       1000; break;
     401     2509696 :                         case  3: d = p1 /        100; p1 %=        100; break;
     402     2439621 :                         case  2: d = p1 /         10; p1 %=         10; break;
     403     2439595 :                         case  1: d = p1;              p1 =           0; break;
     404           0 :                         default:
     405             : #if defined(_MSC_VER)
     406             :                                 __assume(0);
     407             : #elif __GNUC__ > 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 5)
     408           0 :                                 __builtin_unreachable();
     409             : #else
     410             :                                 d = 0;
     411             : #endif
     412             :                 }
     413    20404152 :                 if (d || *len)
     414    20404152 :                         (*len)++;
     415    20404152 :                 kappa--;
     416    20404152 :                 uint64_t tmp = (static_cast<uint64_t>(p1) << -one.e) + p2;
     417    20404152 :                 if (tmp <= delta) {
     418     4012053 :                         *K += kappa;
     419     4012053 :                         return;
     420             :                 }
     421             :         }
     422             : 
     423             :         // kappa = 0
     424             :         for (;;) {
     425    26476207 :                 p2 *= 10;
     426    26476207 :                 delta *= 10;
     427    26476207 :                 char d = static_cast<char>(p2 >> -one.e);
     428    26476207 :                 if (d || *len)
     429    26476207 :                         (*len)++;
     430    26476207 :                 p2 &= one.f - 1;
     431    26476207 :                 kappa--;
     432    26476207 :                 if (p2 < delta) {
     433     2439594 :                         *K += kappa;
     434     2439594 :                         return;
     435             :                 }
     436    24036613 :         }
     437             : }
     438             : 
     439             : template <typename Char>
     440     6457622 : inline void Grisu2(double value, Char* buffer, int* length, int* K) {
     441     6457622 :         const DiyFp v(value);
     442     6457622 :         DiyFp w_m, w_p;
     443     6457622 :         v.NormalizedBoundaries(&w_m, &w_p);
     444             : 
     445     6457622 :         const DiyFp c_mk = GetCachedPower(w_p.e, K);
     446     6457622 :         const DiyFp W = v.Normalize() * c_mk;
     447     6457622 :         DiyFp Wp = w_p * c_mk;
     448     6457622 :         DiyFp Wm = w_m * c_mk;
     449     6457622 :         Wm.f++;
     450     6457622 :         Wp.f--;
     451     6457622 :         DigitGen(W, Wp, Wp.f - Wm.f, buffer, length, K);
     452     6457622 : }
     453             : 
     454     6451647 : inline void Grisu2_len(double value, int* length, int* K) {
     455     6451647 :         const DiyFp v(value);
     456     6451647 :         DiyFp w_m, w_p;
     457     6451647 :         v.NormalizedBoundaries(&w_m, &w_p);
     458             : 
     459     6451647 :         const DiyFp c_mk = GetCachedPower(w_p.e, K);
     460     6451647 :         const DiyFp W = v.Normalize() * c_mk;
     461     6451647 :         DiyFp Wp = w_p * c_mk;
     462     6451647 :         DiyFp Wm = w_m * c_mk;
     463     6451647 :         Wm.f++;
     464     6451647 :         Wp.f--;
     465     6451647 :         DigitGen_len(W, Wp, Wp.f - Wm.f, length, K);
     466     6451647 : }
     467          50 : inline const char* GetDigitsLut() {
     468             :         static const char cDigitsLut[200] = {
     469             :                 '0', '0', '0', '1', '0', '2', '0', '3', '0', '4', '0', '5', '0', '6', '0', '7', '0', '8', '0', '9',
     470             :                 '1', '0', '1', '1', '1', '2', '1', '3', '1', '4', '1', '5', '1', '6', '1', '7', '1', '8', '1', '9',
     471             :                 '2', '0', '2', '1', '2', '2', '2', '3', '2', '4', '2', '5', '2', '6', '2', '7', '2', '8', '2', '9',
     472             :                 '3', '0', '3', '1', '3', '2', '3', '3', '3', '4', '3', '5', '3', '6', '3', '7', '3', '8', '3', '9',
     473             :                 '4', '0', '4', '1', '4', '2', '4', '3', '4', '4', '4', '5', '4', '6', '4', '7', '4', '8', '4', '9',
     474             :                 '5', '0', '5', '1', '5', '2', '5', '3', '5', '4', '5', '5', '5', '6', '5', '7', '5', '8', '5', '9',
     475             :                 '6', '0', '6', '1', '6', '2', '6', '3', '6', '4', '6', '5', '6', '6', '6', '7', '6', '8', '6', '9',
     476             :                 '7', '0', '7', '1', '7', '2', '7', '3', '7', '4', '7', '5', '7', '6', '7', '7', '7', '8', '7', '9',
     477             :                 '8', '0', '8', '1', '8', '2', '8', '3', '8', '4', '8', '5', '8', '6', '8', '7', '8', '8', '8', '9',
     478             :                 '9', '0', '9', '1', '9', '2', '9', '3', '9', '4', '9', '5', '9', '6', '9', '7', '9', '8', '9', '9'
     479             :         };
     480          50 :         return cDigitsLut;
     481             : }
     482             : 
     483             : template <typename Char>
     484          75 : inline size_t WriteExponent(int K, Char* buffer) {
     485          75 :         auto orig = buffer;
     486          75 :         if (K < 0) {
     487          25 :                 *buffer++ = '-';
     488          25 :                 K = -K;
     489             :         }
     490             : 
     491          75 :         if (K >= 100) {
     492          25 :                 *buffer++ = '0' + static_cast<char>(K / 100);
     493          25 :                 K %= 100;
     494          25 :                 const char *d = GetDigitsLut() + K * 2;
     495          25 :                 *buffer++ = d[0];
     496          25 :                 *buffer++ = d[1];
     497          50 :         } else if (K >= 10) {
     498          25 :                 const char *d = GetDigitsLut() + K * 2;
     499          25 :                 *buffer++ = d[0];
     500          25 :                 *buffer++ = d[1];
     501             :         } else {
     502          25 :                 *buffer++ = '0' + static_cast<char>(K);
     503             :         }
     504             : 
     505          75 :         return buffer - orig;
     506             : }
     507             : 
     508           0 : inline size_t WriteExponent_len(int K) {
     509           0 :         size_t ret = 0;
     510           0 :         if (K < 0) {
     511           0 :                 ++ ret;
     512           0 :                 K = -K;
     513             :         }
     514             : 
     515           0 :         if (K >= 100) {
     516           0 :                 ret += 3;
     517           0 :                 K %= 100;
     518           0 :         } else if (K >= 10) {
     519           0 :                 ret += 3;
     520             :         } else {
     521           0 :                 ++ ret;
     522             :         }
     523           0 :         return ret;
     524             : }
     525             : 
     526             : template <typename Char>
     527     6457622 : inline size_t Prettify(Char* buffer, int length, int k) {
     528     6457622 :         const int kk = length + k;      // 10^(kk-1) <= v < 10^kk
     529             : 
     530     6457622 :         if (length <= kk && kk <= 21) {
     531             :                 // 1234e7 -> 12340000000
     532     3894025 :                 for (int i = length; i < kk; i++)
     533      314125 :                         buffer[i] = '0';
     534     3579900 :                 buffer[kk] = '.';
     535     3579900 :                 buffer[kk + 1] = '0';
     536     3579900 :                 return kk + 2;
     537     2877722 :         } else if (0 < kk && kk <= 21) {
     538             :                 // 1234e-2 -> 12.34
     539     2870421 :                 ::memmove(&buffer[kk + 1], &buffer[kk], (length - kk) * sizeof(Char));
     540     2870421 :                 buffer[kk] = '.';
     541     2870421 :                 return length + 1;
     542        7301 :         } else if (-6 < kk && kk <= 0) {
     543             :                 // 1234e-6 -> 0.001234
     544        7226 :                 const int offset = 2 - kk;
     545        7226 :                 ::memmove(&buffer[offset], &buffer[0], length * sizeof(Char));
     546        7226 :                 buffer[0] = '0';
     547        7226 :                 buffer[1] = '.';
     548        8669 :                 for (int i = 2; i < offset; i++)
     549        1443 :                         buffer[i] = '0';
     550        7226 :                 return length + offset;
     551          75 :         } else if (length == 1) {
     552             :                 // 1e30
     553          25 :                 buffer[1] = 'e';
     554          25 :                 return 2 + WriteExponent(kk - 1, &buffer[2]);
     555             :         } else {
     556             :                 // 1234e30 -> 1.234e33
     557          50 :                 ::memmove(&buffer[2], &buffer[1], (length - 1) * sizeof(Char));
     558          50 :                 buffer[1] = '.';
     559          50 :                 buffer[length + 1] = 'e';
     560          50 :                 return length + 2 + WriteExponent(kk - 1, &buffer[0 + length + 2]);
     561             :         }
     562             : }
     563             : 
     564     6451647 : inline size_t Prettify_len(int length, int k) {
     565     6451647 :         const int kk = length + k;      // 10^(kk-1) <= v < 10^kk
     566             : 
     567     6451647 :         if (length <= kk && kk <= 21) {
     568             :                 // 1234e7 -> 12340000000
     569     3579800 :                 return kk + 2;
     570     2871847 :         } else if (0 < kk && kk <= 21) {
     571             :                 // 1234e-2 -> 12.34
     572     2864721 :                 return length + 1;
     573        7126 :         } else if (-6 < kk && kk <= 0) {
     574             :                 // 1234e-6 -> 0.001234
     575        7126 :                 const int offset = 2 - kk;
     576        7126 :                 return length + offset;
     577           0 :         } else if (length == 1) {
     578           0 :                 return 2 + WriteExponent_len(kk - 1);
     579             :         } else {
     580             :                 // 1234e30 -> 1.234e33
     581           0 :                 return length + 2 + WriteExponent_len(kk - 1);
     582             :         }
     583             : }
     584             : 
     585             : template <typename Char>
     586       34125 : inline size_t dtoa_memcpy(Char *buffer, const Char *data, size_t size) {
     587       34125 :         memcpy(buffer, data, size * sizeof(Char));
     588       34125 :         return size;
     589             : }
     590             : 
     591             : template <typename Char>
     592     6491747 : inline size_t dtoa_milo(double value, Char* buffer) {
     593     6491747 :         if (isnan(value)) {
     594             :                 if constexpr (sizeof(Char) == sizeof(char)) {
     595         175 :                         return dtoa_memcpy(buffer, "NaN", 3);
     596             :                 } else if constexpr (sizeof(Char) == sizeof(char16_t)) {
     597           0 :                         return dtoa_memcpy(buffer, u"NaN", 3);
     598             :                 } else {
     599             :                         return 0;
     600             :                 }
     601     6491572 :         } else if (value == NumericLimits<double>::infinity()) {
     602             :                 if constexpr (sizeof(Char) == sizeof(char)) {
     603         175 :                         return dtoa_memcpy(buffer, "inf", 3);
     604             :                 } else if constexpr (sizeof(Char) == sizeof(char16_t)) {
     605           0 :                         return dtoa_memcpy(buffer, u"inf", 3);
     606             :                 } else {
     607             :                         return 0;
     608             :                 }
     609     6491397 :         } else if (value == - NumericLimits<double>::infinity()) {
     610             :                 if constexpr (sizeof(Char) == sizeof(char)) {
     611         175 :                         return dtoa_memcpy(buffer, "-inf", 4);
     612             :                 } else if constexpr (sizeof(Char) == sizeof(char16_t)) {
     613           0 :                         return dtoa_memcpy(buffer, u"-inf", 4);
     614             :                 } else {
     615             :                         return 0;
     616             :                 }
     617     6491222 :         } else if (value == 0) {
     618             :                 if constexpr (sizeof(Char) == sizeof(char)) {
     619       33600 :                         return dtoa_memcpy(buffer, "0.0", 3);
     620             :                 } else if constexpr (sizeof(Char) == sizeof(char16_t)) {
     621           0 :                         return dtoa_memcpy(buffer, u"0.0", 3);
     622             :                 } else {
     623             :                         return 0;
     624             :                 }
     625             :         } else {
     626     6457622 :                 if (value < 0) {
     627        5175 :                         *buffer++ = '-';
     628        5175 :                         value = -value;
     629             :                 }
     630             :                 int length, K;
     631     6457622 :                 Grisu2(value, buffer, &length, &K);
     632     6457622 :                 return Prettify(buffer, length, K);
     633             :         }
     634             : }
     635             : 
     636     6485197 : inline size_t dtoa_milo_len(double value) {
     637     6485197 :         if (isnan(value)) {
     638           0 :                 return 3;
     639     6485197 :         } else if (value == NumericLimits<double>::infinity()) {
     640           0 :                 return 3;
     641     6485197 :         } else if (value == - NumericLimits<double>::infinity()) {
     642           0 :                 return 4;
     643     6485197 :         } else if (value == 0) {
     644       33550 :                 return 3;
     645             :         } else {
     646     6451647 :                 size_t ret = 0;
     647     6451647 :                 if (value < 0) {
     648        5125 :                         ++ ret;
     649        5125 :                         value = -value;
     650             :                 }
     651             :                 int length, K;
     652     6451647 :                 Grisu2_len(value, &length, &K);
     653     6451647 :                 return Prettify_len(length, K);
     654             :         }
     655             : }
     656             : 
     657             : }
     658             : 
     659     1343228 : size_t _itoa(int64_t number, char* buffer, size_t bufSize) {
     660     1343228 :         if (number < 0) {
     661        5743 :                 auto ret = unsigned_to_decimal( buffer, uint64_t(-number), bufSize );
     662        5743 :                 buffer[bufSize - ret - 1] = '-';
     663        5743 :                 return ret + 1;
     664             :         } else {
     665     1337485 :                 return unsigned_to_decimal( buffer, uint64_t(number), bufSize );
     666             :         }
     667             : }
     668             : 
     669       68866 : size_t _itoa(uint64_t number, char* buffer, size_t bufSize) {
     670       68866 :         return unsigned_to_decimal( buffer, uint64_t(number), bufSize );
     671             : }
     672             : 
     673     6491722 : size_t _dtoa(double number, char* buffer, size_t bufSize) {
     674     6491722 :         return dtoa::dtoa_milo(number, buffer);
     675             : }
     676             : 
     677         150 : size_t _itoa(int64_t number, char16_t* buffer, size_t bufSize) {
     678         150 :         if (number < 0) {
     679          75 :                 auto ret = unsigned_to_decimal( buffer, uint64_t(-number), bufSize );
     680          75 :                 buffer[bufSize - ret - 1] = '-';
     681          75 :                 return ret + 1;
     682             :         } else {
     683          75 :                 return unsigned_to_decimal( buffer, uint64_t(number), bufSize );
     684             :         }
     685             : }
     686             : 
     687          25 : size_t _itoa(uint64_t number, char16_t* buffer, size_t bufSize) {
     688          25 :         return unsigned_to_decimal( buffer, uint64_t(number), bufSize );
     689             : }
     690             : 
     691      762313 : size_t _itoa_len(int64_t number) {
     692      762313 :         if (number < 0) {
     693        7436 :                 auto ret = unsigned_to_decimal_len( uint64_t(-number) );
     694        7436 :                 return ret + 1;
     695             :         } else {
     696      754877 :                 return unsigned_to_decimal_len( uint64_t(number) );
     697             :         }
     698             : }
     699             : 
     700      694800 : size_t _itoa_len(uint64_t number) {
     701      694800 :         return unsigned_to_decimal_len( uint64_t(number) );
     702             : }
     703             : 
     704          25 : size_t _dtoa(double number, char16_t* buffer, size_t bufSize) {
     705          25 :         return dtoa::dtoa_milo(number, buffer);
     706             : }
     707             : 
     708     6485197 : size_t _dtoa_len(double number) {
     709     6485197 :         return dtoa::dtoa_milo_len(number);
     710             : }
     711             : 
     712             : }

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14